Saturday, 11 February 2012

Kiddies in a (USA) Sweet Shop!

From Norfolk, England to a stone’s throw from Norfolk Virginia, we (Sarah and James) have finally crossed the big pond and have begun our American adventure!
After a journey of almost a whole 24 hours, our first day on US soil was a very welcome “chill out day” before the serious business of networking , idea gathering and note taking begins. We’re staying in Williamsburg, home of America’s history so we did what any self respecting tourist would do and we hit the attractions.

Having absorbed the historic side of Williamsburg (and bumped into a guy who sounded EXACTLY like Joey from “Friends!”), it was time to start investigating some retail establishments; after all this is the main reason we’re here! Our first stop was “The Peanut Shop” in Williamsburg’s gorgeous Merchant’s Square. We soon discovered we’re staying in the hear t of peanut growing country and we suspect we’ll be seeing a little more of this as our tour goes on. 

Think of all the things you can do with a peanut and times it by 500 and you’ll then get an idea of what the peanut shop’s really like. But what really makes this shop something special is the whole “customer experience”. A dedicated host greets you on the door and immediately thrusts his free samples upon you, in this case his very best peanut brittle. Helping yourself is far from frowned upon in this shop and our host soon brings our attention to scores and scores of sample pots positioned throughout the store. You cannot fail to leave empty handed (apart from one tight farmer from Suffolk who was in our little group!) and a lasting impression that I hope gets replicated as we visit many more retail establishments during our stay.

Back to farming, a few of us brave Brits and about to board our bus with 40or so enthusiastic American farmers all desperate to compare notes with us and (apparently) enjoy our wonderful accents! We’re told  “musical chairs” is the usual form on these tours, rather than getting comfortable next to your buddy you’re encouraged to sit next to as many different delegates as possible and “network” away. There’s also our tour guides and their activities to look forward to, in between our many stops of course.
Its going to be a busy few this space!!!

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